#Changes the name of the computer you enter. Prompts for admin credentials- include the domain name #when you put cred in.
#Prompts for whether or not you want to restart the renamed computer imeadiately- changes do not take effect #until restart.
$TargetComp=Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Name of the Computer you want to change the name of "
$computerName = GWMI Win32_ComputerSystem -computername $TargetComp -Authentication 6
Write-host "Current Computer Name is " $computerName
$name = Read-Host -Prompt "Please Enter the ComputerName you want to use."
Write-host "New Computer Name " $Name
$Go=Read-Host -prompt "Proceed with computer name change? (Y / N)"
$Reboot=Read-host -Prompt "Do you want to restart the computer? (Y / N)"
restart-computer -computername $TargetComp
#Prompts for whether or not you want to restart the renamed computer imeadiately- changes do not take effect #until restart.
$TargetComp=Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Name of the Computer you want to change the name of "
$computerName = GWMI Win32_ComputerSystem -computername $TargetComp -Authentication 6
Write-host "Current Computer Name is " $computerName
$name = Read-Host -Prompt "Please Enter the ComputerName you want to use."
Write-host "New Computer Name " $Name
$Go=Read-Host -prompt "Proceed with computer name change? (Y / N)"
$Reboot=Read-host -Prompt "Do you want to restart the computer? (Y / N)"
restart-computer -computername $TargetComp