Below is a script to make a domain user admin of a local computer
1) The Computer on which the user needs to be added should have a Static IP
2) The user executing the script should have domain admin rights
### Domain (edit with your domain)
$Domain = ""
### Get machine hostname
$Computer = Read-Host "Enter machinename to add user to local admins"
### Get User account in samaccountname format
$UserName = Read-Host "Enter username to add to local admin group of $Computer"
# Bind to the local Administrators group on the computer.
$Group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Computer/Administrators,group"
# Bind to the domain user.
$User = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Domain/$UserName,user"
# Add the domain user to the group.
1) The Computer on which the user needs to be added should have a Static IP
2) The user executing the script should have domain admin rights
### Domain (edit with your domain)
$Domain = ""
### Get machine hostname
$Computer = Read-Host "Enter machinename to add user to local admins"
### Get User account in samaccountname format
$UserName = Read-Host "Enter username to add to local admin group of $Computer"
# Bind to the local Administrators group on the computer.
$Group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Computer/Administrators,group"
# Bind to the domain user.
$User = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Domain/$UserName,user"
# Add the domain user to the group.